av A Alniemi · 2009 — HI-FOG-, carbon dioxide-, INERGEN- and foam systems, as well fire-extinguishers like powder and foam. The scope of the report is to look into the problems and
HI-FOG® controls, suppresses and extinguishes fires by discharging a fine water mist at high velocity. The water mist is made by the system when it activates: it
Share & Embed "Hi-Fog Operation Manual" Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed 2017-08-08 HI-FOG ® for data centres. VERIFIERING AV SYSTEM. Till skillnad från t.ex. ett konventionellt sprinklersystem, måste hela dimsystemet. genomgå 3:de part bevittnad prestationsbaserat brandtest för aktuell applikation. DIOM:en utgör en del av det godkända systemet.
The HI-FOG MAU is used in conjunction with small machinery space applications, gas turbine enclosures and similar spaces. I. The HI-FOG ® system shall be automatically actuated by means of a fire detection and control panel. The means to release the system manually at the skid shall be provided. J. The HI-FOG ® system shall be fitted with one high pressure nitrogen cylinder. The nitrogen cylinder shall be of the off-the-shelf type and shall be fitted with Fire destroys commercial assets worth billions every year, but a lot of damage is also caused by how fires are put out. The film demonstrates suppressing a h Another high density system that has been proven effective in land-based systems is HI-FOG, a class 1 water mist as defined by NFPA 750, developed by the Marioff Corporation.
Today HI-FOG® protects most of the passenger cruise ships in the world. Through extensive research and development, as well as rigorous testing, Marioff offers a wide range of applications, from luxury yachts, cruise ships and passenger ferries to supply vessels and offshore applications. HI-FOG ® Benefits for Shipyards:
HI-FOG is a world leading fire protection system that accomplishes fire suppression with water mist. HI-FOG is an innovative sprinkler system developed by Marioff Corporation. Unlike conventional drencher systems that use sea water, HI-FOG® uses fresh wa-ter to suppress fires.
Dim-system HI-FOG: Vattendimma som skapas med hjälp av speciella munstycken ger ett system som istället för en strid ström av vatten producerar en dimma
HI-FOG ® sprinkler heads, the smallest on the market, can be artfully installed to blend in with interior design. Se hela listan på fpsys.com Hi-Fog systemet från Marioff Skandinavien AB. Släcksystem med vattendimma för brandskydd i storkök, datorhalllar, industrier, soprum, utrymningsvägar etc. The HI-FOG ® spray head system can be activated the moment the fire is detected, i.e. when it is still in its infancy, thereby preventing it from spreading. Safe for people and the environment : HI-FOG ® uses a pure water mist, which is entirely harmless to people and the environment, as its suppression agent. HI-FOG ® tubes are very small compared to traditional sprinkler system pipes, enabling discrete installation in tight spaces – a particular benefit at heritage sites and for retrofits.
HI-FOG ® is the most tested high-pressure water mist system on the market. Using HI-FOG ® means:
The HI-FOG ® spray head system can be activated the moment the fire is detected, i.e. when it is still in its infancy, thereby preventing it from spreading. Safe for people and the environment : HI-FOG ® uses a pure water mist, which is entirely harmless to people and the environment, as its suppression agent. system. TECHNICAL INTRODUCTION TO HI-FOG® FOR RO-RO AND SPECIAL CATEGORY SPACES HI-FOG® RRS is an automatic high-pressure sprinkler system that uses wet piping. This system uses HI-FOG® nozzles of the sprinkler type and it is acti-vated automatically by a heat-sensitive bulb on the sprinkler head that trig-gers the system at a given temperature.
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when it is still in its infancy, thereby preventing it from spreading. Safe for people and the environment : HI-FOG ® uses a pure water mist, which is entirely harmless to people and the environment, as its suppression agent.
The smaller size of the pipes also reduces the weight of the system. The amount of water discharged by the HI-FOG system is only 10-20% of the water discharged in the traditional pre-action system. Marioff HI-FOG® water mist fire suppression system keeps the room saf A burning room reaches fatal temperatures quickly if there’s no fire protection system.
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High Pressure Water Mist Systems - Hi-Fog on in a story of continuous growth, and today Marioff is a leading supplier of water mist fire protection systems.
Focused av M Arvidson · 2014 — Further, water mist systems can activate faster than traditional sprinkler thanks to lower nominal The velocity through the nozzles is high and the mixing in the. HI-FOG® for data centres. VERIFIERING AV SYSTEM. Till skillnad från t.ex. ett konventionellt sprinklersystem, måste hela dimsystemet genomgå 3:de part Mer om vattendimma HI-FOG. . Gassläckningssystem: System där branden släcks med hjälp av gas.
System HI-FOG ® znajduje szerokie zastosowanie w ochronie przeciwpożarowej różnorodnych obiektów, zarówno na lądzie, jak i na morzu.. Obecnie korzystają z niego największe firmy energetyczne na świecie, najbardziej renomowane firmy telekomunikacyjne i banki, a także linie metra w Madrycie i Londynie oraz wiele sieci hotelowych, budynków wysokościowych, muzeów i obiektów zabytkowych.
The HI-FOG SPU is an electric pump unit suitable for many different applications. HI-FOG SPUs can be custom built in a range of different sizes and configurations, and each unit can be designed to connect to both main and emergency power supplies. intended to describe the state of HI-FOG products and system configurations at the time of its publication and may not reflect the product and/or system configurations at all times in the future.
The system has been designed to provide both total flooding and local application (IMO MSC/Circ. 913), using the same pump unit, tubing and spray heads. HI-FOG® Detection System. Systems. Modular Fire Detection System SecuriFire 3000; Special Systems.